استادیار گروه مطالعات دینی، ادبیات و فلسفه دانشگاه زیمباوه
سخنرانیهای آموزشی آزاد
- نیایش در آیینهای آفریقایی. نهمین همایش روز نیایش، مؤسسه سروش مولانا، 1400
برخی آثار منتشر شده
- The wounded beast: single women, tradition and the Bible in Zimbabwe, Jan 2021
- I am not a disgraced but honorable single lady: Pentecostalism, tradition and Re-imagining singlehood in Zimbabwe, Nov 2020
- Need but not numbers: challenges enshrined in Pentecostal discourses of singlehood in Zimbabwe, Jun 2020
- The Bible and gender troubles in Africa, Jan 2019
- Health and Wealth in Zimbabwean Pentecostalism: The case of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa, Jul 2018
- Pentecostal churches: money making or purveyors of socio-economic growth? Jul 2018
- The bible and violence in Africa. Papers presented at the BiAS meeting in 2014 in Windhoek (Namibia) with some additional contributions, Jan 2016
- Migration, transnationalism and the shaping of Zimbabwean Pentecostal spirituality, Jan 2014